Colloque Santé Mentale au Travail October 2024
Heart of Science – Sherbrooke Pavilion
200 Rue Sherbrooke O, Montreal, QC H2X 1X5
Life History Research Society Conference May 2024
IUSMM’s research center, CR-IUSMM, is launching a scholarship competition, covering 50% of registration costs, to attend the Life History Research Society (LHRS) 2024 International Conference, to be held in Montreal on May 28 and co-organized by Isabelle Ouellet-Morin.
Biobanks and Mental Health
October 19th, 2023- 9am/4pm
Institut Universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal- (Pavillon Bédard room BE322.18)
The IUSMM Research Centre will hold a hybrid mini-conference on the importance of biobanks in mental health research. The objective is to demystify clinical data analysis on large cohorts and their significance in the advancement of mental health research. This day will also be an opportunity to promote meetings between researchers and students.
- The morning will be dedicated to mentoring students on using biobank data in mental health. Before the symposium.
- The afternoon will be dedicated to presentations of scientific advances made with biobank data, and we will discuss the role of biobanks in mental health research.
Guests speakers : Dre Caroline Ménard (CERVO), Dr Robert-Paul Juster (CR-IUSMM), Dre marie-Sol Poirier (CIUSSS-CEMTL), Dre Isabel Fortier (Maelstrom), Dre Marie-Josée Quinn (Biobank CÉAMS), Philippe Kerr (Biobank Signature), Nicolas Ferry (Biobank C-BIG), Enzo Cipriani(Biobank Signature),
Dates importantes:
May 12 2022: Signature 101 (registration and training session): Virtual
June 1, 2022: Last day for submission of proposals
June 9, 2022: Oral presentation of proposals
June 9, 2022: Winners and prices
May 12, 2022. 12am-1pm30
The IUSMM Research Centre, and Signature Biobank, are launching funding offers to students and residents for projects using biobanking data. This workshop will serve to guide students in the preparation of study proposals.
Presentation of the Signature Biobank data
Examples of analyses illustrated by published results
Presentation of the project contest for the Signature Biobank (submission form, guidelines to accessing the biobank material)
Free registration.